

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Cruz - A True Conservative Outsider

Ted "The Penguin" Cruz repeatedly insists he is The True Conservative and a Washington Outsider. Forget the fact that he is well-hated in D.C. The real reason he is a True Outsider is because he has managed to use shrewd campaign tactics as he gobbles up delegates right under our noses. And his cigarette holder.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Aha Uses For Your Potato

Following the craze of new uses for common things: The next time you think your potato is just for eating, think again.

I don't ever forget to go "out" when I use a potato.

My keys are easy to find now.

The fish water can't go stale with my potato reminder!

Laundry is easier to sort when you mark piles with a potato.

Something tells me it's time for a sweep!

I'll know just where to resume my reading with this handy marker.

When the potato turns black and sprouts, I'll know my plant is dead.

Hmmm. Sure looks like it's time to put those shoes by the front door away.

My potato helps me never to miss another iOS update again.

Need to mark your parking place in a long driveway? Not a problem with your potato.

Did somebody forget to make their bed? Not anymore when you use your potato.

When you are especially proud of a great deal, it's fun to mark it with your potato.

And sometimes, I just enjoy the companionship.

Convention Drama

What's all this fuss about a possible congested convention this summer? Doesn't everyone already know how to treat that? #EmilyLatella